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Aloha i ke Kai

Aloha i ke Kai, the Hawai‘i Ocean Stewardship Fee Program collects $1 per ocean activity to revitalize Hawai‘i’s ocean and coasts.  It connects our ocean communities in a unified vision to grow health and abundance through securing sustainable funding to lift up ocean kuleana and stewardship.

It was a joy to find the words to communicate this efforts’ value and mission for its launch. We created the communications plan and the tools to carry out the plan. We created the name, visual brand identity, messaging, and materials which serve as foundational building blocks for the program’s future content creation to reach the intended audiences. Deliverables included a booklet guide for ocean operators, rack card, sticker, website, social media, branding of the online payment platform.

Aloha i ke KaiLove for our Ocean

As we connect intimately with our ocean, we live and embody aloha i ke kai. Our love for our ocean is a way of life that embraces and honors our ocean as life-giving. It is a deep form of love that incorporates stewardship, discipline, service, and joy.

Life begins in the ocean

Hānau ka ‘Uku ko‘ako‘a, hānau kāna, he ‘Ako‘ako‘a, puka
Born was the coral polyp, born was the coral, came forth

The Kumulipo, Hawai‘i’s creation story, recounts the birth of all living things in Hawai‘i. The 2000 line chant teaches that life in the sea and life on the land are inexorably connected.

The ocean IS our shared genealogy.


Brand Development, Content Development, Visual Design

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